Friday, January 6, 2012

Almost-kinda Resolutions

I am not big on resolutions. In fact, I do not think that I have ever made one legitimately, let alone kept one. I am somewhat of a rebel, so when I see everybody doing something, I tend to want to run as far from that thing as possible. Resolutions have been one of those things for me. But maybe 2012 will be different.

Currently at work, I am working on 2012 plans for production, spending and development. I have been thinking a lot about those things for Chevron-Dollarhide, and I think that it would be good to think about those things in my own life. What is my plan? What do I need to change? What do I need to keep? Where am I heading?

I don’t want to necessarily make resolutions, but just think about what 2012 might look like for me. Instead of being long-winded, I am going to try to write very simply and concisely, like my dad says the best writers do. With no further ado, these are my ‘almost, kinda’ resolutions for 2012.

The Gospel – learn to speak it more clearly and more often
Live openhandedly – knowing that my stuff is not my own but has come from the Father
Learn to live lean – this will be an area of growth (does that even make sense) for me in 2012; learn to trim out the fat and excess in my life (literally and metaphorically)
Get rid of excess – figure out what it is that is ‘necessary’ and ‘essential’ and get rid of the rest
Read and Study the Bible every day – ‘The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.’ John 6:63b
Invest in lives – learn to give up self and seek the wellbeing of others; learn to pour out my life into others
Seek the Father and His will for my life – this includes more prayer, more fasting, more community, more quiet, more study, more exposures and more seeking

Boom. There they are. Now it is time to go make them happen. 

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