How good is our God to provide what we need even when we do not see life as from His hands! How faithful is our God even we are utterly faithless! How sinful of creatures are we to doubt his unfailing love!
I went to First Baptist Midland yesterday for church, or should I say, God placed me there for a specific purpose. I showed up for a small group before the main service. I was the first to walk into the room where a man was drawing directions on a white board. I introduced myself to Dennis Perry, a very unassuming man by most standards. However, something was noticeably different about him. He had the warmest smile and a certain air about him that made even the shyest person comfortable. We got to talking about the group and the church and got to laughing very quickly. We shared the basics about ourselves and quickly discovered something that we shared in common: Breakaway.
Dennis, many years ago, was a youth minister (in the Dallas area, I believe) and would have kids come hang out at his house on certain nights of the week. A certain high school kid named Greg Matte came to these groups and was saved at Dennis’ home. Greg went on to A&M and started a similar small Bible Study in his apartment. Slowly that Bible study grew from a few buddies to a pretty big group to larger than he could have ever imagined. Years later, that Bible Study would grow to over 5,000 people and would be affectionately called Breakaway. Today, Breakaway is the single largest on-campus Bible Study in the nation and is held every Tuesday night on the campus of Texas A&M. All through this, Dennis was mentoring Greg and even served on the board for Breakaway until about 5 years ago when Greg stepped down to pastor FBC Houston.
Breakaway, and specifically Ben Stuart, has had a huge impact on my life. Ben was faithful to preach the Word of God and to challenge us to hunger and thirst for God. I have learned so much about the Word of God through Breakaway. I would not be where I am today if not for Breakaway and the faithfulness of some broken people who have been redeemed by Jesus’ blood.
Now, through those many years of being a full-time minister, I am sure that Dennis would say that there were times of struggle and ineffective ministry. However I would say that Dennis was faithful and specifically that our God remained faithful to accomplish His purposes through broken people who are seeking Him. God was faithful to bring a kid to salvation in a little home group, to start a ministry that changes countless college kids’ lives each semester, to lead one of the largest churches in the state and so much more. How great is our God!
Dennis took the time to introduce me to everyone in the class and then after the service to introduce me to a number of 20-somethings in the oil field that also attend FBC. He made sure that I got connected and felt welcome. I will never forget that morning for many reasons. Dennis also has a group of 20-somethings men who meet at his house on Thursday nights; he invited me.
God seems to provide in our lives when we are desperate and have reached the end. I hinted at it in my last post, but I was really fighting loneliness and fear that I would never get connected here in Midland. I was worried that I would never find friends, a church and some community to be real with. I was beginning to doubt that God knew my situation and needs. I was close to giving up.
But God… (Ephesians 2:4,1-10)
But God…in His love, sent His Son to die the death that I deserved. But God…knew that I would not be good enough and sent His Son to fulfill the Law that I could not. But God…is rich in mercy and does not give me what I deserve. But God…saw me even in my filth and sickness and looked upon me with love. But God…made a way for me and provided. But God…knew that I would end up in Midland, Texas alone and would need community and friends. But God…knew that I would end up at FBC Midland and meet Dennis. But God…knew. He knows. He really does. He truly is faithful.
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