Every cabin had its own challenges, but I had a number of ‘difficult’ cabins this summer. One cabin in particular had a group of boys that were tons of fun, but very disobedient. They were extremely hyper and crazy, which made them one of my favorite cabins, but they were very hard to be patient with. I found myself at many points in the week very disappointed with them. I got frustrated at them because they did not listen to me or because they would blatantly disobey what I had just told them to do or not to do. I’m not sure that I ever lashed out at them that week, but in my heart many times I did not love them, let alone like them. In all honesty, I questioned why God would give me a group of guys that were that disobedient. It was not until they left that I began to fully understand one of the reasons that I had those boys.
Another counselor that same week had two campers that were probably the most difficult campers at The Ranch this whole summer. He stood up in our counselor share time on Saturday after they had left and shared about his week. He talked about his experience that week and how difficult it was to be patient and give grace to them. He then shared a story about how God revealed to him late in the week a truth that sunk into my heart as well. He began crying at lunch one day, because he began to see himself in those boys. He saw their intentional disobedience towards him as comparable to his disobedience and sinfulness to a holy and righteous God. It was in this time that he began to see how much our God loved us and how much grace and mercy that we have been given. Here is a quote from my journal the following week, which happened to be the most difficult cabin I had all summer.
08/04 – “Help me to show them unconditional love like Christ Jesus has showed me. How disobedient and rotten have I been to my Father in heaven? How sinful am I? How many times do I choose to rebel and dishonor by continuing in sin? How many times do I disobey the commands of my Father who loves me so much? How can I not show my guys love and give them grace? Teach me about You and Your gospel through this week of tough campers.”
Two major things. First, God used those campers, that counselor, and that previous week to prepare me for the toughest week of my life. He knew what I was going to go through that next week, and chose to prepare me by challenging me with difficult campers. He grew my patience and my ability to give grace and love, even when kids do not deserve it. Second, it was challenging and encouraging to me to see how that counselor chose to see every situation as from the hand of God. He was looking to see how God was working in and around Him. He did not pout or whine, but learned about the character and nature of God through his circumstances.
What about you? Do not ask why, but ask what. Do not question your circumstances or act as if God has forsaken you. Ask God what He is trying to teach you or grow in you through this situation. Choose to see situation as an opportunity to learn who God is and who He says that we are or should be. He is sovereign and above all of our circumstances. He has some great promises for those who love Him. (Jer. 29:11, Rom. 8:28, etc.) Do you love Him?
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